
Why Hydrogen?

Hydrogen energy has many advantages. It can be used as a fuel, heat, or even electricity source. Hydrogen has three times the energy density per weight as methane or gasoline; it is readily present as a molecular compound of other chemical substances such as oxygen, carbon, and many others. It is non-toxic and can be used in a wide variety of applications, and most notably in the world of the climate crisis, it produces no carbon or methane emissions. To sum this up:

Problems with Existing Production Methods

Today, there are problems and complications that exist with current methods of hydrogen production. 

95% hydrogen today is produced by fossil- fuel refining 

Both Methods:

5% of hydrogen is produced by Electrolysis

Non-green hydrogen is not solving the environmental crisis and dependency on fossil fuels, but it further masks the problem giving the false sense of “clean” energy illusion. 

This is  QUICK graph of what today's hydrogen production and operations look like...

 These operations and logistics result in:

Today’s H2 production is a large operation with significant costs:

To produce hydrogen, one starts with the large amounts of electricity required for electrolysis and very large "factories" to support all the upcoming tasks.

Once the hydrogen is produced, it requires cryogenic cooling (aka specialized equipment) and storage because it is very flammable and explosive, and very dangerous to transport if not cooled. This specialized equipment comes with very high costs and risks since hydrogen gas is very light and is very flammable even after it is cooled. 

Hydrogen escapes easily, which leads to waste and 'hydrogen destruction' of storage tanks. Hydrogen molecules are so small and light that they fit in between other molecules. That includes molecules of the storage and transport containers.

They EASILY make their way between the molecules of other materials, resulting in hydrogen destruction. Any container that attempts to hold hydrogen from escaping it experiences cracks from hydrogen making its way through it, called "hydrogen cracking." So all of this very expensive specialized equipment has to be replaced very frequently.

Then hydrogen has to be transported to the client's location. Transport is also dangerous and comes with transport costs, insurance costs, waste risks, and transport times. 

 Once at the client's destination, hydrogen requires specialized storage. Of course, any storage equipment is also subject to hydrogen cracking and destruction and has to be frequently replaced. 

Meanwhile, the customer pays for all these costs and waits for the transport times. 

Thus, current hydrogen production methods make it not feasible for mobile application and distribution, and hydrogen access today is very geographically limited.

So here is the bottom line: 

Green Hydrogen Retails for 




42.4 % 

US workers Earn  Less Than 

$15 per hour


President Biden set the much needed goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 and reach net zero emissions economy by 2050.

European governments' also plans to end the combustion engine era by 2035.

But meanwhile: 

Zero-emission vehicles on the road in the US have a very limited infrastructure to support them.

7000 hydrogen and 12,000 FCEV vehicles and 52 municipal buses in California share only 42 station.

110 stations have been recommended for northwest region alone and Californians now shoot for 1.5 million zero-emission vehicles on the road by 2025.

Today’s retail per kg of green fuel is over $16 while nearly 43% of Americans make less than 15 per hour. 

Most people cannot afford to be green!!

Making it apparent why so many are hesitant of energy transition plans!

Not everyone can afford to be green when prices for green fuel exceed thier hourly wages!


The Good News is : 

We are here to change that!

New World Energy has a 100% GREEN solution to today's  hydrogen production  problems and costs. The expectation of our green hydrogen is $2-3 RETAIL.